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A Constellation of Collective Nouns

A Constellation of Collective Nouns

By Toby Gordon, Terry Schupbach-Gordon and R. W. Rhodes
Tobaccoville, North Carolina: Catbird (on the Yadkin) Press, 2020.
Edition of 50.

4.5" x 6.25 ". Pamphlet bound in covers of St. Armand papers. Interior sheets Kitakata to Akatoshi to Iyo glazed, and more St. Armand in various colors. Numbered. Signed by Rhodes and Schupbach-Gordon.

Catbird (on the Yadkin) Press: "'A Constellation of Collective Nouns' is a book of poems by our friend Roy Rhodes based on the collective names of animals that we discovered while writing our daily letters to our granddaughter."

Colophon: "What did we do during the pandemic of 2020? Some wrote poems, some milled wood, some set type and some cut wood. All knew that HOPE, LOVE, and ART would bring us together again. And what about the possums in the middle of this book? In communion, they become a PASSEL. This book was made with love at Catbird (on the Yadkin) Press by Toby Gordon, Terry Schupbach-Gordon and R. W. Rhodes."

The name for collectives of Otter
Runs free as ink on a blotter.
No reasons prevented
When such nouns were invented
To not stomp on such as we oughter.

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